™Marketing Magazine Issue 9 | Page 7

“Whoever owns the ink in an industry is the one who gains an unfair advantage over their competition” - Verne Harnish, Founder of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and Author of Scaling Up change your business. Call now to hear an important Free Recorded Message from Andy Buyting at (800) 819 2804 Create Instant Credibility and Gain an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition THE NEW NORMAL back. That estimate turned into six months and has now reached 12 months as vaccine research continues. I do believe that, as humans, we are incredibly resilient and have short memories. This means things will inevitably return back to normal at some point, despite that this next normal looks much different from the one we leave behind. In Jim Collins’s 2011 book, Great by Choice, he writes an entire section about luck, which I’ve previously written about at length and talk about often. Collins asserts that companies experiencing a consistently positive return on luck are the ones who think strategically about where their industry, customers, and trends are heading. What’s most fascinating about Collins’s research is this: whether it was good luck or bad luck these companies faced, strategic companies were able to experience a positive return on their luck regardless of the circumstances. I have always challenged my clients to assess what their return on luck is going to be in any given situation. We explore how they will remain on the forefront of this change and make sure the company is strategically placed to take advantage of this. I’d like to balance Collins’s tried-and-true theory with a second observation from another great mind. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, has noted that when there are changes of any kind, everyone focuses on the changes. However, one of his own strategies is to focus on what won’t change. WHAT WON’T CHANGE IS HUMAN NATURE; IN PARTICULAR, THAT WE ARE SOCIAL BEINGS. THIS MEANS THAT DIGITAL MEETINGS ARE ONLY GOING TO CUT IT FOR SO LONG BEFORE WE NEED TO GET BACK TO THAT FACE-TO-FACE DYNAMIC. Next time you think about the new normal, think about what won’t change in your industry. In a recent discussion with one of our Client-Partners, they asked me if I thought magazines would now become a thing of the past. To this I responded no, because I don’t think that any more than I think books will become a thing of the past. Ten years ago, everyone thought the book would be phased out with the introduction of digital reading technology, but that simply did not happen. There’s something about the experience of holding a book in your hand that is not comparable to a digital counterpart. The same goes for magazines. The things that will change are those that actually improve our lives in some way. What is going to stick through this turmoil are the new developments moving us forward. Using Zoom for a large portion of face-to-face meetings, telephone hearings for medical and legal matters, and significantly reduced nonessential travel are a most likely few. I can tell you as someone who previously enjoyed Elite airline status, I’m just not planning on traveling as much anymore because I know much of my responsibilities can now be handled virtually. What will stick is a newfound familiarity with the digital atmosphere and all of the tools it can provide for distance collaboration. Something else that will stick to varying degrees is people working more prominently from home. In our own company, we made the decision to go completely virtual over the lockdown and no longer have a physical office to go back to. We found this to actually be more productive and a better setup for all of us to work flexibly around the clock while accommodating respective work-life balances. When you’re thinking about your own new normal, block off an entire afternoon and get your entire leadership team together to develop that strategy. Don’t rush the discussion. Ask yourselves: What are the trends? Where is the industry going? How are our customers changing for the better? Where is our product and service line? What is being introduced that may disrupt our operations? Really keep in mind that this pandemic is not going to change the human behavior that has been programmed into our DNA for the past 2 million years. It’s just not. So keep that in mind as you’re planning your future and what your “next normal” is going to look like. BOOK A DEMO AT WWW.TM.MEDIA OR REACH OUT TO ME DIRECTLY AT [email protected]. Andy Buyting's thought leadership journey started when he published his first business book in 2007 and first magazines in 2009. Since that time, he has leveraged custom magazines and online digital content strategies to establish himself as a leading authority in content marketing and brand positioning. Through his company, Tulip Media, Andy and his team make these content marketing strategies and tools accessible to their Client-Partners. www.TM.Media HOW TO WIN CLIENTS & INFLUENCE PEOPLE ANDY BUYTING HOW TO WIN CLIENTS & INFLUENCE PEOPLE ANDY BUYTING SECOND EDITION WARNING Reading this book will TULIPMEDIAGROUP.COM | 7