™Marketing Magazine Issue 9 | Page 13

ULTIMATE CULTURE COMING TOGETHER TO BRING YOU The Ultimate Culture WITH ERIKA MACLEOD AND STACEY COWPERTHWAITE Congratulations to coauthors Erika MacLeod and Stacey Cowperthwaite for reaching Amazon best-seller status with a comprehensive debut and nonfiction narrative, The Ultimate Culture: It’s about DNA, not Resumé. For those who haven’t had a chance to pick it up, The Ultimate Culture details the life, times, and development of the refined Tulip Media culture, which is furthered by applying these cultural concepts to other organizations on a large scale. These two incredible women have put together something timeless in terms of culture, and you’ll find this book has a valuable takeaway for everyone. I’m excited to speak with these two engaging new thought leaders about their take on the writing process and what the conceptual development of this book looked like for them from start to finish. TELL ME ABOUT THE PROCESS OF WRITING THE BOOK. WHAT WAS THE OVERALL EXPERIENCE LIKE FOR YOU? STACEY: When we decided to do this book, it was a bit overwhelming. As we dove in and started to work on the book, things came together quite quickly as we have so much history and memories together. This goes back to our philosophy of jumping out of the plane and building the parachute on the way down. We always figure it out! ERIKA: It was an amazing experience and a great opportunity to take a trip down memory lane. It reminded me just how much of our Tulip Media culture we often take for granted. There were many “aha!” moments when Stacey and I realized just how fortunate we are to work in the environment that we do. THE ULTIMATE CULTURE REALLY USES EXPERIENCE TO REFLECT ON WHAT YOU’VE PORTRAYED HERE AS THE ULTIMATE CULTURE. LOOKING BACK, WHAT WERE SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES TO REVISIT? STACEY: I really enjoyed looking back to the early days when it was just Andy and me in the office. We knew what we wanted but not how it would transpire. We had a mutual purpose of building the company into what it is today. It has been great to revisit these memories and our successes and failures, and that is what business is about. THE CULTURE OF LEARNING IN TULIP MEDIA REALLY SHINES THROUGH. CAN YOU TALK A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOUT YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES FURTHERING YOUR COMPANY ROLE THROUGH EDUCATION? WHAT DID THIS LOOK LIKE AND HOW WERE YOU SUPPORTED? ERIKA: I fully appreciate how fortunate I am to utilize some of the connections that we have to take part in so many of the events that Tulip Media attends. There are so many people whose books I have read and whom I follow online, and these summits have given me the opportunity to actually meet them in person. Some of these events have a $25,000 attendance fee, and I’ve been given the opportunity to go all over North America to sit in on some of these events with truly amazing speakers. A large part of my role is coordinating our national content, which requires me to extensively research business authors. It’s not uncommon for me to spend hours researching an up-and-coming author or thought leader, so these connections are invaluable to my growth in my position here at Tulip Media. When Andy and I attend these events, we always bring back what we learned into the office and allow it to impact our culture in a way that benefits the entire company. We are always trying new things, constantly looking for better ways to communicate and to become more efficient, to name a few. Everything we do revolves around knowledge. VERY COOL! WHO ARE SOME OF THE PEOPLE YOU’VE BEEN ABLE TO WORK WITH BECAUSE OF THIS? ERIKA: Included in those I have met is business and team management expert, Patrick Lencioni. Lencioni is best known as the author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, a popular business fable that explores work team dynamics and offers solutions to help teams perform better. Others include Chris Voss, a former FBI hostage negotiator, the CEO of The Black Swan Group Ltd, and coauthor of the book Never Split the Difference; Jack Daly, an international expert in sales and sales management; John DiJulius III, an authority on world-class customer service; Joe TULIPMEDIAGROUP.COM | 13