™Marketing Magazine Issue 8 | Page 26

PERSPECTIVE WHAT WILL BE YOUR QUARANTINE NARRATIVE? BY: JOHN DIJULIUS YYes, we are currently living in unprecedented times, what also is true is in historical context how we reference our lives will never be the same. Going forward our lives will be broken into two-time frames: BQ (Before Quarantine) and AQ (After Quarantine). Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning and the date is July 15th, 2021. Think about in vivid detail—what does your world look like? Visualize the best-case scenario for you personally and professionally. While most people don’t realize it yet, right now, at this moment, each of us is determining what our next 10 years will look like. Will this quarantine be wasted time or your finest hour? Which of the following descriptions will be part of your quarantine narrative? • I felt like a victim and focused on all the things I couldn’t do and how unfair it was. • I couldn’t stop checking headlines news and it became an unhealthy addiction. • I got into a funk and allowed myself to spiral. • I became a couch potato and binged watched too many shows. • I came up with countless excuses of why I couldn’t exercise. • I ate more than usual because of stress and boredom. • I spent way too much time commiserating on social media and in every conversation I had. • My anxiety and negative attitude affected how I treated my family. • I wasn’t the best version of myself. • It took me a long time to recover and get back on my feet emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially. OR • I recognized the gift I had been given. 26 | TULIPMEDIAGROUP.COM