The Four Things
Successful Marketing
Leaders Do Once A Year
EVERY OCTOBER my inbox swells with emails from marketing leaders asking one
question: "What should I have my team focus on for the next year?" Here's the thing:
only you can answer this question. I can't do it for you. What I can do is help you find the
We all do it. We block out our calendar for a couple of days every year to gather our team in
one room. The goal: plan for next year. The agenda seems straightforward: let's get everyone
on the same page and marching in the same direction. Let's plan our year and then let's
work our plan. So why are some marketing teams more successful than others coming out of
an annual planning event?
The answer is simple: successful annual planning activities focus on team growth, not team tasks.
I've had the honor of being involved in dozens of annual corporate marketing events over
the last five years, and in hindsight, I've noticed a massive gap between events that result in
a successful year and those that don't.
Too many of us treat our annual planning event as if it's an extended version of our
weekly or monthly marketing meetings. Sure, we extend the time frame to review a
year's worth of activities and plan the next year's, but aside from the timeframe, the
meeting is essentially the same. I've watched these kinds of events devolve into a list of
to-dos for the following year. What's more depressing is the fact that the team leaves
deflated, exhausted and even more overwhelmed. These kinds of meetings focus on
what we have done, what we currently do and what we should do next year.
On the other hand, the marketing leaders I've watched go on to achieve
massive success focus on where the team grew this year and where they have
an opportunity to grow next year. That's it. These marketers treat the annual
planning event as an opportunity to help their team focus, learn and grow. (Now,
this isn't to say that they don't leave the meeting with a plan on HOW they plan
on building the business, they do that too, but the focus is entirely on professional
development in the context of the business's goals and objectives.)
The most successful marketing leaders enhance their annual planning events by doing
four simple things anyone of us can emulate.
At an event for a Fortune 500 consumer packaged goods brand, their CMO opened
their annual marketing event by boiling down their entire year's focus into a clear and
straightforward statement. Instead of a PowerPoint presentation with 80 slides and
hundreds of marketing activity details, this CMO spent 30 minutes setting up a simple
statement that captured her vision for the next year. She created a mantra that established
the tone for the entire two-day event.
"Two thousand and seventeen is the year of Rigorous R.O.I. [Return on Investment]," she
said. In her half-hour setup, she acknowledged that even she has an "R.O.I. blind spot" and
she pledged to fill the gap by learning from (and with) her entire team. "This year, we will