™Marketing Magazine Issue 3 | Page 7

CLIENT-PARTNER WEBINAR We recently held a webinar for about 20 Client-Partners where we introduced our Content Library platforms as well as made our first introduction to our Integrated Content Solutions program. STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM For the first time, we formally rolled out a strategic partnership program where we work with referral sources (i.e., marketing agencies) on a rev-share model and have them engaged in promoting our services. BOOK LAUNCH Andy’s latest book, How to Win Clients and Influence People, was launched and instantly soared to International Bestseller status on Amazon! “Whoever owns the ink in an industry is the one who gains an unfair advantage over their competition” - Verne Harnish, Founder of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and Author of Scaling Up HOW TO WIN CLIENTS & INFLUENCE PEOPLE WARNING Reading this book will change your business. Call now to hear an important Free Recorded Message from Andy Buyting at (800) 819 2804 Create Instant Credibility and Gain an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition ANDY BUYTING EXPANDED OFFICES With our growing team, we’ve expanded our physical offices and have room to almost double the size of our team…which should last us about a year! NEW CARLE CREW MEMEBERS We recently expanded our team even further, adding Angela onto our business development team, while Carmen has joined us in production to help take over lead designer. PRESENTATIONS In the past few months, Andy has traveled to New York City, Phoenix, Chicago, New Orleans and Detroit to speak and keynote at various events. He’s inspired his audience to think differently when it comes to thought leadership marketing and how to be strategic when leveraging the three pillars of marketing; digital, print and interactive. Keith also traveled to Nashville, Rochester and Orlando to take the stage and share his insights on the same topic. The Next 3 Months Over the next quarter, the Carle Publishing team has four key initiatives; 1. Integrated Content Solutions Launch. Now that we’ve launched our digital content program with new and existing Client-Partners, as a company, we’re really focusing on expanding our reach with our Integrated Content Solutions package. The convenience and effectiveness of leveraging great content in various digital mediums as well as in custom printed magazines has been very appealing for Client-Partners. This is a huge focus on us in the next quarter! 2. Sales Automation. Another large initiative is expanding our Salesforce and sales automation tools while focusing on strategic partnerships and referrals coming through the website. 3. Production Process. The production team will be moving the entire production management to the Salesforce platform. This is a huge initiative that is needed so that we can scale successfully into the future. 4. Dashboarding … Everything! Over the next few months, we are going to start with dashboarding sales, production, and marketing on large screens all over the office. CARLEPUBLISHING.COM | 7