™Marketing Magazine Issue 3 | Page 27

of the medium in which it is being done. The approach we, at Carle Publishing, take is based on the three pillars of marketing, but I want to discuss digital marketing in particular. First, let me establish one thing as a fact: the content and the message is what is most important, not the method of delivery. Without a good message, it doesn’t matter what you send out. People won’t accept it. Different people consume content in different ways based on their tastes. My friend Kevin Daum, a writer for Inc. magazine and author of Roar and Video Marketing for Dummies, articulated a theory to me over lunch when discussing how people consume content online. To summarize his thoughts: people like to consume content in one of three ways: reading, watching, or listening. This simple idea makes a whole lot of sense and spoke to me in a profound way. Let’s spend some time going through each format and discussing pros and cons: THE FIRST FORM OF CONTENT: WRITING Written content is either by article or by listicle, and the length will depend on the medium in which it is published. You are probably familiar with listicles. They are easily recognizable as articles written in list format. Think “9 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Workplace” or a slew of variations on that general theme. They are quick, easy to consume, easy to read, and easy to put out. Something like a case study would be a longer-form article written in a more traditional way. And writing for a blog will be different than writing a quick quote for social media. The medium often dictates the message. THE SECOND FORM OF CONTENT: VIDEO Video has been steadily growing in popularity, thanks in no small part to huge platforms like Twitch and YouTube. Video is engaging, fun to watch (if the content is good), and stimulates both audio and visual senses. Unfortunately, it requires a time investment. You can’t skim a video. Either you watch it, you don’t, or you miss out on a lot of the content. The focus it requires is both in terms of time and attention. Nobody is opening a video link and pausing it to return later. They open it, look at the time, and decide right then whether they have the time to watch it or not. I recommend minute-and-a-half to three-minute videos for maximum consumption and to remain short and engaging enough to keep an audience. However, I also do not believe videos should be relied upon by themselves. THE THIRD FORM OF CONTENT: AUDIO The third delivery method is audio, usually as a podcast. These have been around for fifteen years or more but have been getting more and more popular recently. Why? Easy. You don’t have to pay full attention to get the content. You can listen on the commute, in the gym, while walking, or any other time you want. What does this mean for you? In my book How to Win Clients and Influence People, I cover the three pillars of marketing in depth. Ultimately, if you take the time to make content, my suggestion is to make the content in all three forms. That way, you will get the maximum exposure possible for the message you want to send out, whether it’s written, in video form, or as a podcast. The hardest part is coming up with the content. If you spend the time to actually do it, which I know you all can, then please put it out in every format so people can easily consume it and make their lives richer and deeper as a result. This is why our Integrated Content Solutions program at Carle Publishing covers all three. We will make all three forms of content for anything we create. Content is delivered as a media-rich newsletter containing articles, videos, and podcasts which all hammer home the same message. If you have any questions about your content, we would love to chat with you about it. A quick phone call to talk through what you want to achieve will help clarify your goals. Pick up the phone, give us a call today at 877-719-8919, and ask to speak with someone about Integrated Content Solutions. We will be more than happy to share our experience and suggestions with you. “Whoever owns the ink in an industry is the one who gains an unfair advantage over their competition” - Verne Harnish, Founder of Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and Author of Scaling Up MEET ANDY BUYTING, FOUNDER & CEO CARLE PUBLISHING HOW TO WIN CLIENTS & INFLUENCE PEOPLE WARNING Reading this book will change your business. Call now to hear an important Free Recorded Message from Andy Buyting at (800) 819 2804 Create Instant Credibility and Gain an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition ANDY BUYTING Andy Buyting's thought leadership journey started when he publis