™Marketing Magazine Issue 17 | Page 5



This has been an eventful summer .
As I wrote about in our last issue of Tulip Media Marketing Magazine , my recent decision to step down as CEO of the company has led to a transformative summer for me .
When people ask me about the process , they often ask tactical questions such as how I ’ m going about the search for our new CEO . To do that , I did turn to a headhunting firm , and they ’ ve been very good at finding qualified candidates for our consideration . We are following their process and talking to several interesting candidates . We are working through the candidates and feel that we are getting close to finding the person who is going to lead the company toward its painted picture ( read more on our painted picture on page 6 ) and beyond . However , that ’ s not where the real story is .
The real story is the shifting of my personal mind-set — the decision to step down , what it ’ s going to mean for me , and of course , what it ’ s going to mean for the company moving forward .
Personally , I just feel that it ’ s time . Not because I ’ m tired of the business . I love marketing and I love Tulip Media . It ’ s time because I recognize where my strengths lie and where they don ’ t .
Over the past year , I ’ ve recognized that I ’ m a start-up and strategy guy . My strengths do not lie in operations . And with Tulip Media , the way I see it , I ’ ve successfully built the vehicle , got it onto the track , and successfully entered it in the race . Now it ’ s time for someone else to take the wheel and keep us on course and in the lead . I ’ ve recognized that if I stay in the driver ’ s seat , I ’ m going to take this car off-roading , and that ’ s not good for anyone . That ’ s why we ’ re looking for that next leader who is going to lead the company into the future and really start scaling this baby that I ’ ve created with our amazing team .
As we get toward the end of the summer , I feel that we will be able to announce the person who will take the reins here at Tulip Media . And I ’ m very excited for that to happen — for the team and for our Client-Partners . I believe the time is right and that it ’ s the right decision for everyone !
All the best and enjoy the magazine ,
Andy Buyting , Founder & CEO Andy @ TulipMediaGroup . com