Better Videos
Whether you ’ re taking endless videos of your grandkids or trying to become a social media influencer , it takes practice to create appealing video content . If you ’ re just starting out or looking to improve your videos , a few simple steps can go a long way to making them more polished and engaging .
Cameras need light to capture images , so don ’ t forget this step . In general , more light is better as it keeps your subjects clear . However , be wary of overhead lights or harsh noontime sun , which can wash out your star or add unflattering shadows to their face . Instead , softer morning and evening light are often best . For indoor images , try experimenting with a few different lamps or lights together to see what setup you like the most . If you ’ re outside , have the sun at your back . Although your subjects may be facing the sun , it will be worth it once they see the results .
How you frame the images in your video matters . Use the tried-and-true rule of thirds to help draw the eye and create interest . Think of your screen as divided into thirds using a grid pattern with two vertical lines and two horizontal ones , then hold your camera so the object or person of focus is where two of the lines intersect . It ’ s okay if you cut off the top of their head in the frame , that ’ s more natural than leaving their chin out of view . If you ’ ll be moving the camera around , hold your first shot for about 10 seconds to let your audience get oriented , and look ahead to where you ’ ll stop moving .
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Whether you ’ re used to taking photographs or you ’ re just caught up in the moment , it can be easy to forget about the audio side of the video . Audio recorded directly by the camera is often not-so-great quality – your camera is far away from the subject and there ’ s other competing noise . While this might not matter for random home movies , it helps for special occasions . Think about how much better a video of your grandkid ’ s birthday party would be if you could hear their joy and laughter crisp and clear . It ’ s usually worth it to buy an external microphone for video recording . If you think you ’ ll be doing any interviews , a mic that clips on to the speaker ’ s shirt is also handy .