GET DIFFERENT went to , I was struggling to grow . I would pick up clients here and there for sure , and referrals would trickle in . But I never seemed able to grow my leads , or my business , substantially .
At the same time , I was operating my VAR , a company called Geek Squad started appearing in town . Between you and me , they were a joke . These folks would dress up like nerds . Black flood pants , white socks , narrow black ties and white shirts , and glasses taped in the middle . I get the gag . But come on !
It was no gag . Geek Squad went on to sell to Best Buy , becoming the technology service provider for the organization . Their company skyrocketed in size with over $ 42 million in revenue in 2019 . Mine ? Not so much .
If you are familiar with Geek Squad , from a technical standpoint , you likely know that their service capability is far from remarkable . They surely have some capable folks , but I knew my business could run circles around them . And so could yours . But why , with my technical and service superiority , did they dominate client conversion while I fought for scraps ? Because better is not better . Different is better .
Over the last 10 years I have studied what makes marketing successful , and why most people fail . The reason is quite simple .
According to Forbes magazine , Americans are exposed to over 6,000 ads a day . Internet ads , mailers , networking events , billboards , promotional items , it goes on and on . The human brain has become very efficient at ignoring all of it . The technical term is called habituation . In short , anything that is perceived to be the same and of no value is ignored – fast .
You may notice this in your own behavior . When you have a stack of mail do you carefully open each one , read through each letter in detail , and follow the instructions ? No , of course not . Our mind is really good at ignoring the junk ( which is most of it ) and sorting out the important stuff ( the checks and the bills ). But there is one type of mail that doesn ’ t get discarded , even if it is a marketing piece : anything unexpected . Receive an envelope that is the size of a car , and you just got to open it . It ’ s different . Get an envelope with a set of keys clanking inside and we are curious what it is about .
It is clear that marketing succeeds when it is out of the ordinary . When it is unexpected . When something is different , our minds can ’ t instantly categorize it as more junk . So we investigate .
Different alone does not win the marketing game . The Geek Squad got noticed , for sure , because they were dressed like geeks . And my business was invisible , because I was dressed like every other “ computer guy ” in an ill-fitting suit . But imagine if the Geek Squad dressed like clowns or sasquatch . That would get noticed , but would it get business ? No . Different garners attention , and attraction retains it .
First , we need to present ourselves in a way that gets noticed . Then , to keep that attention , the messaging needs to serve the prospect . A geek is attractive to someone looking to get their computer fixed . Who better than a geek ? Surely not a clown or sasquatch . So , while walking in like Bozo the Computer Guy will surely get noticed , it won ’ t get you business .
The final element is to direct the prospect to take the action you want . The Geek Squad crew were handing out business cards ( yes , business cards were still popular in the mid 90s ) left and right . On the card it said “ Any time . Any place . 24 hour computer support task force ,” and the hotline to call . Easy and specific . Need a nerd , now ? Call this 800 number .
The key to successful marketing is to do the exact thing no one else will do . Presenting your business as an industry leader simply means you are just another one in the industry . Don ’ t be the leader , be the differentiator . Be the one who defies the industry . When the collective competition is email marketing , do direct mail . When they do direct mail , send a piece that is as big as a car or dress up like a geek . Just don ’ t do what they do .
Market like no one else does , and you will have marketing success like no one else does . Different is better . Every . Single . Time .
Get different !
Mike Michalowicz is the entrepreneur behind three multimillion dollar companies and is the author of Profit First . He is globally recognized as the guy who “ challenges out dated business beliefs ” and teaches us what to do about it . To learn more about Mike and get access to a treasure trove of entrepreneurial tips , visit MikeMichalowicz . com .