™Marketing Magazine Issue 13 | Page 7

Audio social media is booming . New podcasts are started every day and established show hosts tell me their listener numbers are rising . At the same time , the Clubhouse app is one of the fastest growing social networks ever . Perhaps it ’ s the pandemic and people with time to explore . Whatever the reason , audio is hot right now . However , many marketers struggle with how to effectively move people from audio to a place where they can learn more .
I ’ ve found several elegant solutions to the challenge of how to market to people via audio . The key is to make the offer something of value that listeners will appreciate . Don ’ t try to sell and don ’ t require inane registration requirements so you can “ generate leads ”. Educate and inform instead of interrupt and sell .
When you move somebody from audio content , the call-to-action will need to be super easy to remember by people who might be driving in their car listening to a podcast or busy talking on Clubhouse . Here are several options :
A tried-and-true method to deliver information is to use a unique Web address . With so many new top-level domains opening up , you shouldn ’ t have a problem scoring a memorable URL to share with listeners .
For example , to share videos , infographics , and an excerpt of my book Fanocracy , I share the URL ‘ Fanocracy dot com ’ to listeners . I frequently appear as a guest on other people ’ s podcasts talking about my various books , and it ’ s super easy for me or the host to mention that if people want to learn more about Fanocracy that they can go to Fanocracy . com .
Sometimes , you want to share content on an inner landing page that is difficult to remember . With domain forwarding , you don ’ t need to make a new website . You can create a landing page on your main site and then use the new and memorable URL you create as your audio call-to-action which redirects to place where people can learn more .
SHORT FORM TEXT MESSAGING OPT-IN Another great way to connect with people on audio apps is via short form text . This is particularly valuable for use on Clubhouse because the Clubhouse app only works on a smartphone , so people already have the device ready to go .
When people listening in to an interesting Clubhouse discussion and a speaker makes an appropriate and valuable offer that is fulfilled by text , lots of people will opt-in because it is so easy .
Many services exist to allow for an easy to remember word of your choice to be texted to a five- or six-digit number making it super simple for people to sign up .
Prior to the release of Fanocracy , I used this method to share the slides of my early Fanocracy talks by saying from the stage “ If you would like to receive my slides from today ’ s talk , please text the word ‘ fan ’ to this six-digit number …” I regularly received better than a 50 % response rate !
I used Textiful , a service that supports U . S . - and Canada-based mobile phone numbers and make it work seamlessly with my HubSpot CRM . A simple to implement hook to synch Textiful to HubSpot automates a process that worked like this :
1 . People would text the word ‘ fan ’ to the short code .
2 . Textiful would immediately respond via text with the required opt-in permission request .
3 . Once they agree to receive messages from me , Textiful automatically sends a second text from me reminding them of the slide offer and requesting their email address for fulfillment .
4 . When they provide an email address via text , Textiful passes the email over to HubSpot and a link to download my slides is sent via email to the person who requested my slides .
I was fascinated to learn that the vast majority of people would sign up to get my slides in real-time immediately as I made the offer from the stage . That meant that more than half of the audience had a link to my slides in their in-box before I even left the stage !
This exact same process works brilliantly to offer content of value from Clubhouse .
David Meerman Scott is the author or co-author of ten books and the series editor of six . Three of his books are international bestsellers .
David is best known for The New Rules of Marketing & PR . When first published in 2007 , " New Rules " opened people ’ s eyes to the new realities of marketing and public relations on the Web and was six months on the BusinessWeek bestseller list .
His latest book Fanocracy : Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans is now available on Amazon in hardcover .
DavidMeermanScott . com