Customer centricity is a growing trend for businesses . More and more companies are realizing that to drive sales , the focus needs to be on the customer and not on the dollars they are bringing in . At Tulip Media Group , this is our priority . In fact , Complete Client Partner Dedication to the success of our Client-Partners is our number one core value .
To make something centric is to put it at the forefront . When a business is customer centric , it focuses its resources on enhancing the customer experience above all else . The company looks at the sales process from the customer ’ s point of view and considers their thoughts , feelings , and how to make the experience more enjoyable for them . Ultimately , this drives sales and builds customer relationships that last .
We encourage all of our Client-Partners to take a customer centric approach in their organizations because we know it works . Your customers are everything to your business . Without them , you wouldn ’ t have any revenues . You also rely on your customers to bring in new business by spreading the word about your organization . Because of these things , it only makes sense for the customer to be the focal point of your business model .
Customer loyalty and high rates of retention are the primary objectives of a customer-centric organization . It has been well documented that customer retention is more profitable than customer acquisition , with a five percent increase in customer retention yielding a 25 to 95 % increase in profits . In fact , customer centric companies are up to 60 % more profitable than those that are not .
Being customer centric does not mean focusing on every customer . Part of an effective customer-centric approach is analyzing your customer base and knowing who is a high-quality customer and who is not . You can do this by using customer data to create segments , each with a different marketing strategy . Naturally , you should direct more resources towards those customers with a high rate of return in both sales and the business they refer to you .