™Marketing Magazine Issue 1 | Page 23

- Verne Harnish , Founder of Entrepreneurs ’ Organization ( EO ) and Author of Scaling Up
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There are four ways people consume content online : written articles , listicles , video and audio .
1 . Written Articles
The written article includes tools such as blogging and white papers . Studies show that websites with valuable written content perform better than websites without content .
2 . Listicles
Listicles are articles in list form . You can spot a listicle by its title — “ The six ways to be more productive at your office ” or “ The eight habits highly successful people do every morning .” Easily consumed , they are extremely effective as readers can scan the headlines and read only the details on concepts and points that pique their interest . And with the ever-increasing demand on people ’ s time , listicles have quickly become a preferred way to consume the written word online .
3 . Video Creation
Cisco Visual Networking Index Forecast states “ Internet video will account for 79 percent of global internet traffic by 2020 .” With video ’ s importance growing , it is becoming a powerful way to provide content . When consumers are viewing information through video , they are more likely to give it their full attention .
4 . Audio Content
Audio content includes podcasts and free recorded messages . It ’ s an often-overlooked area of digital marketing — but it is currently disrupting the way society consumes content . A 2016 Edison Research report states that 21 percent of Americans ages twelve and up have listened to a podcast in the past month . That is the same amount of Americans on Twitter . Audio is also growing quickly as it is the easiest content to consume . It ’ s the only form of digital content that can be consumed while doing other activities such as driving and exercising .
When it comes to the quality of content , print has a higher perceived credibility than digital . For example , if you read a piece
of content on a Facebook post , you may automatically discount it . But if you were presented that same ad printed in Forbes magazine , you may feel differently and , likely , more engaged .
Inherently , readers place print on a higher pedestal because it is harder to produce and is more expensive to create than digital .
The most effective way to “ own the ink in your industry ” is to take your print marketing strategy to the next level by publishing your own book or magazine !
As effective as print and digital marketing can be , it is still a one-way conversation with the buyer — you are sharing information and material , and the buyer consumes it .
Face-to-face interaction is different . You interact in real time with a prospect , which includes tools like in-person conversations , presentations , events , webinars , phone calls and even chat functions .
As entrepreneurs and marketers , you know that advertising campaigns alone may not cut it . You may need to have at least one face-to-face interaction with a buyer to validate your product or service before a buyer makes a purchase .
If you are like most entrepreneurs and marketing managers , you may not have the time needed to create content . But there are freelance websites like Upwork and Fiverr that can provide quality ghostwriters , graphic designers , video editors and other content specialists at a reasonable cost .
For most of us , no one pillar is more important than the other — which is why it takes the marriage of all three to complete a customer ’ s buying cycle and close a sale . And the best way to effectively keep your marketing message on point is to have the right strategy for all three pillars to own it !
Now , go out and own the ink in your industry !
“ Whoever owns the ink in an industry is the one who gains an unfair advantage over their competition ”
Create Instant Credibility and Gain an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition
Andy ’ s thought leadership journey started when he published his first business book in 2007 and first magazines in 2009 . Since that time , he has leveraged custom magazines and online digital content strategies to establish himself as a leading authority in content marketing and brand positioning .
Through his company , Carle Publishing Inc ., Andy and his team make these strategies and tools accessible to their Client-Partners .