Marketing Local Lead Drop 2.0 Review-(Free) bonus and discou | Page 3

    The straightforward but effective system they use for closing these deals without doing any hard selling. How and When to Upsell these prospects into monthly marketing services. Not only will you be able to make great money up front but you can also leverage this lead source into a monthly income source. You will know when and how to upsell your prospects into marketing services each month. You will not only earn big revenue but leverage this lead sources into monthly income sources. Especially, they also include a killer training that breaks down how to offer one of the hottest high-end services. It is Video Advertising. Once you walk through the training and apply what you learned you would be able to receive high ticket leads dropping into your inbox every day. And you will be able to close all of them at 40% for high ticket services easily. Once you buy this training course, you will get: Quick Start Guide helps you get started immediately; the producers put an easy to follow guide that will help you manage the system quickly. The PDF file will allow you to be off and run it in minutes. 17 Video Training Modules have no any hard things to understand because the creators set up the entire system step-by-step in over should training videos which is hosted in a 24/7 access private member area. Rapid Fire Templates contains one of the keys to respond these leads quickly and professionally in an approach that stands out from the crowd. New Multiple Lead Sources: You will get all of latest new lead sources they found and learn how to apply their 4-step system to close customers from these leads. And how about what is included in the new version? Let’s take a look now: International Lead Sources in LLD 2.0 is multiple untapped lead sources that let you use almost anywhere in the world. Particularly, these lead sources provide scarce competition making it much easier to clean up. Documents and Resources are all updated to match the new lead locations. They also add new items in version 2 to help their international students navigate their system overseas. All New Training: All training videos inside Local Lead Drop 2.0 are completely new with updates based on areas that needed more details from the first version. Also in