In addition, you can multiple search options for Ebay, Amazon, AliExpress:
Search Options For Ebay
Choose from all of eBay's country websites.
Search all product categories or choose from any of Ebay’s categories.
Set any price range you want to search.
Enter any keyword you want to include in your search.
You can even search by Ebay store name
Sort by Best Match, Items that have received the fewest/most bids, Highest
current price first, Highest price including shipping, Lowest price including
shipping, Start time and end time.
Search Options For Amazon
Choose whether you want to search or
Search all product categories or choose from any of Amazon’s product categories.
Set any price range you want to search by choosing a minimum price and
maximum price.
Enter any keyword you want to include in your search...
Search Options For AliExpress
Choose to search by category.
Sort your search by Best Seller, Pricing, Commission Rate, Volume, Valid Time
Up, and Valid Time Down.
Set any price range you want to search by choosing a minimum price and
maximum price.
Enter any keyword you want to include in your search...
How It Works:
Intelligent Inspector was designed with a focus on simplicity. So you needn’t install
anything because it is a cloud-based app. All you need to do is to get access to the
internet by using any device you have and follow just 3 simple steps:
Step 1: You need to enter a keyword or any of the other intelligent search parameters
Step 2: Then, you can find tons of high-margin products that customers tend to
purchase from eBay, AliExpress, and Amazon.
Step 3: Finally, you can make your own product list and start selling or drill down for
more details information for each product.