Prototyping: Prototyping all the time regardless. It is a culture, state of mind, language, and a method for problem solving. You should never go to meeting with out a prototype. It proves to be more effective in comparison to paper, power points. or drawings. A good prototype can help persuade and communicate your idea an progress not to mention help eliminate the other ideas.
coloring outside the line: Failure often usually leads to success sooner at IDEO. Some times you need your team to think out side the box and break rules. Don’t drift off track instead juggle your prototypes. No one succeeds with out taking some risk or by avoiding failure.
Zero to sixty: The faster you understand and apply innovation in your process the faster you will gain success in the market place. Seek to find competition that present challenges and time constraints. Remember even though speed counts you must undertand and master the basics in order to prosper during the prime time under pressure.
Observations: By observing your surroundings carefully you will be more likely to gain valuable insight and identify potential opportunities. You have to perceive things from a different perspective sometimes thinking that you are left handed or even thinking like a child. You are looking for what the consumer needs not yourself.
Build yourself a playhouse: The work environment, ergonomics, and space can be a spur of innovation. Innovation can be sparked and promoted by the workspace and the type of environment your teamwork everyday. Think of it this way, would you rather work in a motel room or a luxury suite?
Live in the future: Visit where the future of your field is or may be. Ideas should be attained from all over or in places you might not expect. Think about how you can make consumers more effective. Use experiences from the past and look into the future to develop empowerment products for consumers.