Marketing Guru November 30, 2014 | Page 23

20 Captivating Content Marketing Facts in 2014 Written by Jeff Bullas

1. $135 billion will be spent on new digital marketing collateral (content) in 2014.

2. 78% of CMO’s think custom content is the future of marketing.

3. Internet advertising will make up 25% of the entire ad spend by 2015.

4. Social media marketing budgets will double over the next 5 years.

5. Email with social sharing buttons increase click through rates by 158%.

6. Nearly 50% of companies have content marketing strategies.

7. 33% of traffic from Google’s organic search engine results go to the first item listed.

8. 67% of B2B content marketers consider event marketing essential.

9. 73% of reporters think press releases should contain images.

10. 72% of “Pay per Click” marketers plan to increase their budget in 2014.

11. 52% of all marketers have found a customer via Facebook in 2013.

12. B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads.

13. 43% of all marketers found a customer via LinkedIn.

14..55% of marketers worldwide increased digital marketing budgets in 2013.

15.. Customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness for marketers at 89%.

16. Videos on landing pages increase conversions by 86%.

17..65% of your audience are visual learners.

18..Marketers will use dynamic content to deliver highly personalized experiences to the right audiences at the right time.

19..Inbound marketing delivers 54% more leads than traditional outbound marketing.

20..Visual data is processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text.