KISS is an acronym for keep is short and simple. It should be an implied task but presenters think the more the better. By keeping your presentation short and simple your audience will be able to follow easier and retain more of the information. No need to have an overload of information that may take away from the key point. Your presentation should have a few key points and that is it. Only include relevant and pertinent information.
2. overkill
Death by power point has become a common phrase in meetings and classrooms. Avoid killing your audience’s attention and ability to follow your presentation. Remember keep it short and simple. Limit the words on each slide list two to three key points. Do not have your script and every other detail on the slide. Ensure the slide is appealing and organized in order to harpoon the mind and promote understanding. Put yourself in the audience’s seat. The slides should summarize what you are talking about not include every detail you mention.
3. interaction
Do not shy away or avoid interaction during or after your presentation. You should want to keep the audience involved in order to aid you. Observe their body language and reiterate points they may have seemed confused at. Ask questions and answer all of theirs. Listen to what they have to say whether it is right or wrong. The audience’s interaction should help you address anything you missed or might not have sufficiently explained.
Top 5 Keys To A Better Presentation