Marketing GIPHplayer review - (FREE) Jaw-drop bonuses | Page 8

Gives You Full control
GIPHplayer allows you to fully control , and customize the look and feel of visitor ’ s GIF viewing and interaction experience on your website ..
You can choose delayed animation start , easily set GIF to autostop after set time , allow the user to start and stop GIF playback , select the player ’ s skin , and take advantage of the social sharing feature .
GIPHplayer even allows you to add paused animated GIFs to the website , which is super important in case you have several animated GIFs on the same page , which prevents the viewer ’ s experience nightmare with all GIFs animating at the same time .
You can also set custom height and width of your GIFs or set them to display in full responsive mode , so they automatically look great on any device .
You can also disable controls if you want to fully control what the user can see and when they can see that .
Makes GIF viewing experience awesome Did you know that GIF animation starts showing progressively during GIF file loading ?
Yes , web browser does not wait for full GIF file to load before displaying animations frames .
This is the very reason behind animation choking during first GIF loop , which affects large percentage of people on slower and even on average internet connection for bigger GIFs .
To solve that problem GIPHplayer can start GIF animation after browser finishes GIF file download , and it even allows you to set custom image thumbnail visible while the GIF file is loading .
Bad first impression is one of the main reasons why visitors leave your website . GIPHplayer makes your visitors GIF viewing experience awesome . Works with Dropbox , Google Drive , Amazon S3 and Your Own Web Hosting
GIPHplayer allows you to play GIFs from other websites , your own website or from cloud services like Dropbox , Google Drive and Amazon S3 .
Make your GIFs look awesomer & boost viewer emotional response with custom player Frames .
GIPHplayer allows you to use custom player frames .