Marketing GIPHplayer review - (FREE) Jaw-drop bonuses | Page 17

Yes , it does . Does GiphPlayer work for Web Builder software ?
Yes , GiphPlayer works with almost all Web Build software which allows you to add custom javascript code .
Does GiphPlayer work with ecomm stores like Shopify and others ?
Yes , GiphPlayer works with almost all ecomm stores software which allows you to add custom javascript code .
Which services can I use to host my GIF files ?
You can host your GIF files on Giphy , Imgur , Dropbox , Google Drive , Amazon S3 , almost any cloud service and your own web host .
Is there a monthly fee to use GiphPlayer ?
Currently , GiphPlayer membership is being offered with a one off payment . We plan to switch to a recurring membership model in future , when new customers will pay a monthly fee for software use . BUT anyone that orders now is grandfathered so you will never be billed again .
Get in on the action like top marketers , viral content producers , and brands do . Thanks for reading my GIPHplayer review !
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