EM :
Tell us about your latest book . What motivated the story ? Where did the idea come from ? Where do your story ideas usually come from ? What if at midnight on Halloween you woke up to find a nearly naked man standing in your living room insisting he ’ s bound to answer your every desire ? That was the start of Ink , which gave me an excuse to write a charming , clever , and wildcard incubus . I really wanted to play against expectations which quickly ballooned into a series chock-full of paranormal creatures . Werewolves , ghosts , nymphs , kelpies , and more . But it all starts with that incubus in Layla ’ s living room .
MFRW : Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why ?
EM : When I first started writing I felt like I had to keep my humor in check . I didn ’ t believe adding jokes and humorous asides would create a serious story . But that isn ’ t my voice . It also doesn ’ t reflect reality . Life is hilarious at times . Humans are a complicated mess . To ignore the inanity and insanity of life is to castrate storytelling potential .
Bubble baths or steamy showers ? Ocean or mountains ? Puppies or kittens ? Chocolate or caramel ? Both baths and showers . I would live in the water if I could get away with it . When I ’ m not feeling well , I hide in the shower / tub . If there are any mermaids that want to trade places , call me on your conch ! I ’ ve never seen an ocean , so I guess I have to go with mountains . I mean , trees are cool , but I ’ m more a lake person . Puppies . I ’ ve had a dog my whole life . They ’ re all their own wacky , weird characters . But I also like kitties and cats and have loved some over the
MFRW : EM : years . Just never owned one . Caramel . Caramel is the answer to every question . Will you marry me ? Caramel ! ( Actually , my husband proposed with cookie dough , but caramel would have also been acceptable .)
What is the hardest part of writing / the easiest for you ? The sex scenes aren ’ t something I necessarily struggle with but they . Take . Forever ! I spend a lot of time blocking the scene , keeping track of arms , noting physical and emotional reactions , checking on that hand . Where did that foot come from ? Damn it , why are your pants still on ? It can take me two to three writing sessions to finish one scene because of that . Funny enough , easiest is action . I easily get swept up in the moment and the words fly almost as if I ’ m experiencing the thrill and pain the same as my characters . Being an author is weird .
MFRW : Are you in control of your characters or do they control you ?
EM : I am their keeper . I try to tell them what to do , where to go , put them in a maze and let them run around . But those little turds will do whatever they want . They will refuse to reveal vital exposition . They ’ ll suddenly become obsessed with a new hobby out of nowhere . They ’ ll chew through the walls and make a great escape for freedom . Chaining my characters down never works .