September Release
Dragon Witch Dark Realms , Book One ( Cont .)
Excerpt :
She wasn ’ t going to do this to herself again . He would be leaving in a day or so . Brayden was not the type to hang around .
“ So when are you really leaving ? Tomorrow ?” Her tone had a bite to it , but she couldn ’ t help it . He ’ d hurt her when he dropped her off and left , barely saying goodbye . He raised his eyebrows , hesitating . “ A few months .” She laughed . “ Right . Outer Rim Fleet captains don ’ t get a few months off — ever . I know you , Brayden . You ’ re like a tiger that lives and hunts alone . And you have to keep moving . When it comes to space travel , the more remote or insurmountable the journey , the better .” “ There are more credits in the longer runs ,” he added . “ And no credits when you ’ re planet-side .” She glared at him , then lowered her voice .
“ What did you do ?”
Publishing Info , Buy Links , and Contact Info :
Publisher : Burnt Stilettos Press ISBN : 978-0-9903439-4-3 Amazon ASIN : B074XFVFMZ BUY LINKS : Amazon : http :// amzn . to / 2x1aFAi Amazon UK : http :// amzn . to / 2ieZOiE Genre : Sci-Fi / Futuristic Warnings : Graphic Sex , Multiple Partners Heat Level : R + Format : Print and E-Book Length : 118 Pages Prices : Print : $ 6.99 E-Book : $ 2.99
Author Website : http :// www . kathykulig . com Author Blog : http :// www . kathykuligblog . com Facebook : http :// www . facebook . com / kathykuligauthor Twitter : http :// www . twitter . com / kathykulig Amazon Author Page : https :// www . amazon . com / Kathy-Kulig / e / B002PKEOSW
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