Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter October, 2017 Volume # 10, Issue # 10 | Page 5



SR :
If money were not an object , where would you most like to live ?
Spain . The people are friendly and they keep their surroundings clean . Enjoying tapas and cerveza is the perfect way to spend an afternoon . And of course , siesta .
MFRW : What can we expect from you in the future ?
SR : I ’ ve got three projects in the works right now . Steamy Connections is the story of a phone sex operator who falls for one of her callers . ( https :// sharenee . com / my-books / steamyconnections /)
SR :
I ’ m in control . I write their story . My stories come to me pretty much complete with beginning , middle and end . So , I already know who ’ s doing what . None of my characters have questioned my method so far . Let ’ s hope it stays that way .
MFRW : Have you experienced writer ’ s block ? If so , how did you work through it ?
Remember Love involves a woman who suffers temporary memory loss and can ’ t remember her relationship with her husband . Her husband , however , doesn ’ t want her to regain her memory . ( https :// sharenee . com / my-books / remember-love /)
Off Base is the sequel to Forbidden Kisses and follows the story of Layla and Ethan . ( https :// sharenee . com / my-books / off-base )
MFRW : Are you in control of your characters or do they control you ?
SR :
SR :
I don ’ t get writer ’ s block as far as sitting in front of the computer trying to get my words to flow . If the words I need for my story are not flowing , I work on something else , like promoting my current book . When my ideas do flow , I jot them down and then add them to my story .
I love pizza with
Jalapeno and pineapples . But I don ’ t actually eat the jalapenos . I pick them off the pizza , but the flavor remains , so I still get some of the spicy kick .