Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter November, 2017 Volume # 10, Issue # 11 | Page 52

October Release Christmas Revels IV: Four Regency Novellas (Cont.) The Authors Hannah Meredith is, above all, a storyteller. She’s long been fascinated by the dreams that haunt the human heart. This, combined with her interest in English history, led her to write historical romance. She happily spends much of her time in either the past or imagined worlds. Anna D. Allen lives deep in the woods with too many books and not enough dogs. She holds a BSc and an MA in Language and Literature. Her future plans include growing tomatoes and clean- ing out the freezer. When not writing or reading, she can be found in the kitchen. Kate Parker’s love of history started when she discovered time travel through the pages of old books and listening to her grandmother and her sisters talk about the “good old days.” Now she shares that love and her love of murder and mayhem through her stories. Louisa Cornell is a retired opera singer living in LA (Lower Alabama) some of the time and Re- gency England all the time. She is the author of four Regency novellas and her first full-length Re- gency novel, Lost in Love, came out in May, 2017. 52