Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter November, 2017 Volume # 10, Issue # 11 | Page 47

September Release The French Duchess (Cont.) Excerpt: She’d moved three steps when a strong, muscled arm circled her waist and swung her around. She landed solidly against an equally muscled chest covered in crisp white linen. Her nose buried in the ruffles that adorned the linen below an elegantly tied cravat. Funny, she did not recall Campion wearing ruffled shirts. In her experience, his dress was as severe as his personality had become. But who else would accost her in such a manner? “Mon amour, you’ve finally come back to me.” She knew that voice, and it was not Campion’s. Malveux. Her breath stopped. If she could kill him in that moment, she would gladly wield the knife. A finger beneath her chin lifted her gaze to the melting brown glance that had shad- owed her days for the past three years. “Kiss me, chere. I’ve missed you so.” His head bent. Publishing Info, Buy Links, and Contact Info: Publisher: Crimson Romance ISBN: 978-1-5072-0648-5 Amazon ASIN: B0746P8MYV BUY LINKS: Publisher: http:// The-French-Duchess/Rue- Allyn/9781507206485 Amazon: dp/B0746P8MYV BN: https:// w/1126839326 47 Genre: Historical Heat Level: R=Graphic Sex Format: E-Book in Multiple Formats Length: 257 Pages Price: $4.99 Author Website: Author Blog: Facebook: RueAllynFriends Twitter: Amazon Author Page: https:// B00AUBF3NI 12