Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter June, 2017 Volume # 10, Issue #6 | Page 8

ROCHELLE WEBER BIOGRAPHY & LINKS CONTACT ROCHELLE: ROCHELLE’S WEBSITE AUTHOR BLOG REVIEW BLOG— ROSES & THORNS PERSONAL FACEBOOK AUTHOR FACEBOOK PAGE TWITTER AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE 8 Rochelle Weber is a Navy veteran with a BA in Writing from Columbia College in Chi- cago. Her novels Rock Bound and Rock Crazy are available in both e-book and print. Her third book, The Thin Person In- side, is available in digital for- mats at MuseItUp Publishing, Inc. Ms. Weber edits for Jupiter Gardens Press and The Au- thor’s Secret and publishes the Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter, winner of the 2013 Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll for Best Writers’ Resource. She also started Roses & Thorns Reviews and currently has two partners. Ms. Weber battles bi-polar disorder, quipping, “You have- n’t lived until you’ve been the only woman on the locked ward at the VA.” She has two mar- ried daughters, eight assorted grand children, and lives in Round Lake Beach, Illinois with her cat, Acey, who walks all over her. BOOK LINKS: ROCK BOUND TRAILER AMAZON CREATE SPACE BN ROCK CRAZY TRAILER MUSEITUP PUBLISHING, INC. CREATESPACE AMAZON BN THE THIN PERSON INSIDE TRAILER MUSEITUP PUBLISHING, INC . AMAZON BN