June Release
My Life as an Extra (Cont.)
Adam comes toward me again. My heart starts pounding again. Why an intelligent
person such as myself gets nervous because a famous movie director approaches is beyond
me, but I can’t seem to help it. I hope I’ll get to do something good and fear I did some-
thing wrong.
“Will you step out of the shot, please?” he asks.
My stomach drops. I fear that even as a train-platform-standing-in-the-freezing-cold
extra, I’m not good enough. I move to the side and watch forlornly as they do more takes,
all these people crammed into such a narrow space doing their best for Superhero IX. Except
A few minutes later, Adam comes over. I can’t help it, I perk up just like scarf guy.
The director of a major motion picture actually left his chair to find me.
“You can come back now,” he says. “It wasn’t the same without you.”
Publishing Info, Buy Links,
and Contact Info:
Publisher: Ruth J. Kaufman
ISBN: 9780990846970 Print: $9.99
Amazon ASIN: B06Y1XPVFL E-Book: $2.99
Author Website: http://ruthkaufman.com
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/ Author Blog: http://ruthkaufman.com/
dp/B06Y1XPVFL blog
Genre: Humorous Women’s Fiction with Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Romantic Elements ruthtalks
Warnings: Mild Language Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Heat Level: PG RuthKaufman
Format: Print and E-Book Amazon Author Page: http://
Lengths: www.amazon.com/Ruth-Kaufman/e/
Print: 282 Pages
E-Book: 235 Pages