Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter January, 2017 Volume # 10, Issue #1 | Page 2

The Marketing for Romance Writers group is focused on learning marketing and publicity . We discuss ways to advance our careers , brainstorm new ventures and ideas , get feedback , and find others interested in mutual promotion . Our motto is " Seek , teach , share , learn , succeed ." We welcome marketing-related materials that ask
MFRW GROUP http :// groups . yahoo . com / group / questions , offer MarketingForRomanceWriters / promos or ideas , or request help , advice , or opinions . We offer opportunities to join others in promotional efforts . As fellow authors ( published and not-yet ), publishers , literary agents , editors , author promo groups , promo assistants , and artists , we are your support group and coworkers . Need to buy pens , pins , or other goodies ? Found a great place to do that ? Please share . We are open to all fiction and nonfiction genres without limit . We do not discuss writing per se ; we focus on creating an image and using it effectively . Pitch sessions and calls for submission are welcome .
To Our Readers ...
Welcome to the MFRW Newsletter , the book release newsletter brought to you by Marketing for Romance Writers and its members . This newsletter provides information on recent , current , and upcoming releases .
Watch for the Joomag URL
Tell your family , friends , and readers about the newsletter . They can read it at : http :// tinyurl . com / MFRWNL .
Just click on “ Newsstand ” and search for “ Marketing for Romance .”
Your MFRW Staff
Who we are :
Where to find us :
Kayelle Allen , Founder
http :// kayelleallen . com
Catrina Barton , Moderator / Staff
http :// kittyb78 . weebly . com / index . html
Jeanne Barrack , Moderator / Staff
http :// jeannebarrack1 . wordpress . com /
Paloma Beck , Blog Director
http :// PalomaBeck . weebly . com
Mona Karel , Blog Hop Coordinator
http :// mona-karel . com
Emerald , Facebook Coordinator & Ed .
http :// www . TheGreenLightDistrict . org
Rochelle Weber , Newsletter Publisher
http :// www . rochelleweber . com
Barbara Donlon Bradley , News Editor
http :// www . barbaradonlonbradley . com
Michelle Davis , Newsletter Editor
https :// twitter . com / michelle40768
Libby McKinmer , Newsletter Editor
http :// www . libbymckinmer . com
Any of us can be contacted at :
mfrwstaff-owner @ yahoogroups . com
Wow ! We ’ re now accepting submissions for the February , 2017 issue . In order to submit your book to the MFRW Newsletter , you must be a member of the MFRW Yahoo Group . Your release date must fall between December 2016 and February 2017 , and you MUST download the NEWEST Book Submission Form found in the files section of the MFRW Yahoo Group site : http :// tinyurl . com / MFRWNLFORMS .
Please save your submission form as an RTF file and send it with appropriate artwork to us at mfrwstaffowner @ yahoogroups . com .
The deadline is the 20th of the month before the issue comes out — e . g ., January 20 for the February issue .
Each book runs for three months without resubmitting .