Escaping from her abusive ex-husband , Marissa Simpson returns to her hometown to start over . She spends her days working at the local jewelry store , and the rest of her time is dedicated to mining along Red Rock River , searching for precious gems . Marissa has no intention of getting involved with another man , or with the community she left behind all those years ago . That is until Riley McCade shows up .
Riley is the Sheriff of Quartz County . He loves his community and goes out of his way to protect and serve . When he meets up with Marissa , he ’ s bound and determined to get to know her even though she insists she ’ s not interested .
The more he gets to know her , the more he learns about her past . Can he protect her from her ex-husband and earn her love ?
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Riley guided Marissa so she was on her back and he was partially on her . His Stetson concealed their faces . They continued to kiss and touch , looking lovingly at each other , and then kiss again .
The fireworks lasted for fifteen minutes , and suddenly a flashlight shone on them and voices interrupted them . Three firefighters stood in front of them singing a line from Burning Love . Riley and Marissa quickly broke apart . “ What the hell ?” Riley said . A hint of irritation laced his voice . He abruptly stood up , grabbed Marissa ’ s hand , and pulled her up .
“ We were told that there was sparks on the ground , and we were asked to put it out ,” Mitch said , laughing . “ Just who the hell told you that ?” Riley asked . “ Heidi ,” John , the second firefighter , said with an amused smile on his face . Riley and Marissa shot Heidi a glance . “ We can see that the sparks have been put out so we ’ ll head back to the truck .” Mitch smiled even wider .