Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter February, 2017 Volume # 10, Issue #2* | Page 42

January Release

By : Ginger Monette

Darcy ’ s Hope at Donwell Abbey Book Two

January 1 , 2017
The Plot :
1917 . With WWI raging across the Western Front , Captain Fitzwilliam Darcy has won the heart of Elizabeth Bennet . Finally . Then she disappears . While he ’ s still reeling from the loss , tragedy strikes , plunging him into a dark and silent world . His heart tells him to hold on to Elizabeth , but his head tells him to take a chance with his extraordinary nurse who reminds him of his beloved Elizabeth . But Donwell Abbey holds a secret that just might change everything . * Darcy ’ s Hope at Donwell Abbey is a sequel to Darcy ’ s Hope — Beauty from Ashes but can be read as a stand-alone novel .
Review [ No Stars on This Site ]— LucyJ Wrote at The Derbyshire Writers ’ Guild : “ That was so lovely ! … This trilogy has been exciting from the start .” http :// www . dwiggie . com / phorum / read . php ? 5,124152,124167 # msg-124167
Biography :
The teacher always learns the most . And in homeschooling her children , Ginger Monette learned all the history she missed in school . Now she ’ s hooked — on writing and World War I .
When not writing , Ginger enjoys dancing on the treadmill , watching period dramas , public speaking , and reading — a full-length novel every Sunday afternoon .
Her WWI flash fiction piece , “ Flanders Field of Grey ,” won Charlotte Mecklenburg Library ’ s 2015 Picture This grand prize .
Ginger lives in Charlotte , North Carolina , where she happily resides with her husband , three teenagers , and two loyal dogs .
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