December Release
By : Linda O ’ Connor
Perfectly Christmas December 18 , 2016
The Plot :
On the first day of Christmas , his true love said to him , “ Sorry , I have to work .”
That ’ s the life of a surgeon , and Dr . Madison Hayes wouldn ’ t have it any other way .
Dr . Quinn Malone has another priority . In the countdown to Christmas , he needs to convince his old flame that there ’ s more to life — and love — than the job itself . This time , his heart is in it for the long haul . Really . Romantic and … complicated — it ’ s Perfectly Christmas !
Review ***** Karen Wrote at Amazon : “ A Perfect Christmas Romanace . … A Perfect read for Christmas . I read it sitting by the fire and drinking hot chocolate , just like the characters in the book . … The medical references are so detailed that you can tell this was written by a talented doctor .” https :// www . amazon . com / review / R156SBT03BMDTJ
Biography :
Linda O ’ Connor started writing a few years ago when she needed a creative outlet other than subtly rearranging the displays at HomeSense . It turns out she loves writing romantic comedies and has a few more stories to tell . When not writing , she ’ s a physician at an Urgent Care Clinic ( well , even when she is writing she ’ s a physician , and it shows up in her stories : D ). She hangs out at http :// www . lindaoconnor . net .
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