EMERALD ( Cont .) SAFE : a collection of erotic stories
EMERALD ( Cont .) SAFE : a collection of erotic stories
In this collection of erotic stories , attraction , heat , and connection serve as catalysts to take characters to places of climax , revelation , transformation , and abiding — sometimes all at once . “ To Make It That Way ” shows older woman Cole taking young Zack on a seductive and wild ride , exposing him not only to a considerable sexual education but to more subtle life lessons as well . “ Power Over Power ” channels the intense energy of a martial arts session , while “ Hers to Keep ” offers Leslie a surprising lesson in so-called “ casual ” sex .
Polyamory , masturbation , and BDSM all make appearances in Safe , as do scorching vanilla sex and budding romance . These stories explore the power of sexuality in myriad forms and manifestations , revealing how eros has the power to bring us back to ourselves and propel us ever deeper into the journeys of both sex and life .
Review ***** Amazon Reader Steve Cline Wrote : “ Em erald drew me in with a combination of humanity , sensitivity , and decency , without once losing sight of the sex expected of erotica . Throughout the book , she exposed me to new ways of looking at sexuality , which made the experiences stay with me long after I put the book down .” https :// www . amazon . com / review / R2U1F4Z6MNFQ0Y
From “ On the Rise ”:
Allen was better-looking than in the picture that had accompanied the article . Sheila swallowed , uncomfortable for some reason that that had occurred to her . Still , there was a dullness in his brown eyes she had a feeling hadn ’ t always been there . She stepped forward , feeling unusually unsure of herself , and introduced herself . Allen lifted his hand from the arm of his wheelchair to shake hers , replacing it after he let go .
He nodded at the love seat against the wall several feet away , and Sheila moved to it and sat . He didn ’ t make eye contact with her as she looked back at him , smoothing her skirt over her thighs .
“ Do you want to come over here a little closer ?” Her voice was soft , nonthreatening , the tone intuitively taking on what would be best received under the circumstances . This was a propensity she naturally seemed to have , and it had served her well in her work . More than once she had been complimented on the quality of her voice — not just the words themselves , but her ability to know exactly how to speak and when .
Allen glanced her way , then pressed the motorized button on his chair . It moved forward jerkily , his finger tapping the button a few times as he maneuvered the chair until it was positioned perpendicular to the love seat . After a tiny hesitation , he pushed forward until his feet were only a few inches from hers .