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Tell us about yourself , your family , where you live . I was born and raised in Iowa , where the rest of my immediate family still lives . I ’ ve lived in the Washington , DC , area for more than a decade , and about a year ago I bought a house in northern Virginia just west of the metro area where I live with my canine and feline family members . anything creative , is to inspire a process of selfawareness or awakening of some sort . As I perceive it , this aspiration is served in direct proportion to how aware , grounded , and open I am when I write ( and in general ), so that what wants to be offered may come “ through ” me , if you will , with my own habits and tendencies interfering as little as possible .
MFRW : Why did you decide to write ?
E : I don ’ t know that I “ decided ” to as much as I simply did . I started writing when I was seven and have simply felt oriented to it for almost as long as I can remember .
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How many books have you written , how many have been published ? Historically , I ’ ve worked in short fiction , and I have yet to write a full-length novel . I ’ ve had around thirty-five short stories published in anthologies and online , and I have two singleauthor short story collections — one erotic romance and one erotica — out as well . What do you hope readers take with them after reading your work ? One of my greatest aims in writing erotica , or
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What about your family ? Do they know not to bother you when you are writing , or are there constant interruptions ? Given that my family consists of two cats and two dogs who charmingly couldn ’ t seem to care less what I ’ m doing or if I don ’ t want to be interrupted , generally the latter .