Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine September, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 9 | Page 4

VAL TOBIN BIOGRAPHY & LINKS BIOGRAPHY CONTACT VAL WEBSITE FACEBOOK TWITTER AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE 4 Armed with a master’s degree in parapsychology, certifications as an Angel Therapy Practitioner® with ad- vanced training, and her Reiki Master/ Teacher certification, Val explores the metaphysical through her writing. Her diploma in, and experience with, soft- ware and web application development keep her firmly rooted in the physical plane. Val’s stories range from UFO/ government conspiracy thrillers that fans of Jason Bourne, The Ghost Whis- perer, and The X-Files would love to romantic suspense stories with book boyfriends readers swoon over. Not one to shrink from writing a love scene, her stories include sizzling sex scenes. Her diverse cast of charac- ters in a variety of novels includes a witch battling a sorcerer who wants to kill her, a ghost desperate to expose her killer, a reluctant assassin and the psychic he vows to protect, three au- thors struggling with various mental disorders determined to solve a col- league’s murder, and many more. BOOK LINKS: THE EXPERIENCERS BOOKS 2 READ AMAZON BN WALK-IN BOOKS 2 READ AMAZON BN