MAY , 2018
The Plot :
Home means many things to Ramona Barrett and none of them are good .
A family mired in politics and ample amounts of bad behavior have kept her happily far away . Even after her enraged mother escapes , her drunk father sobers up , and her tyrannical grandfather dies , she has no interest in reconnecting to those rotten roots . Fifteen years later , a steamy encounter with her childhood friend leaves her swooning like a schoolgirl . He ’ s become a man who dissolves her logic , foils her plans , and buckles her knees .
Too bad he ’ s engaged to someone else . And that ’ s not even the full extent of his secrets .
Can the home she fled be where her new future begins ? ***** The Naked Reviewers by Sherry Terry : This is one of my favorite reads this year . This book has all the elements I love in a good romance / erotica . Hot sex , believably flawed characters that pull you into their world , and great de-
An Excerpt
A bit of melted cheddar oozed out between crisp slices of bread , warming the corner of Ramona ’ s mouth . She flicked out her tongue and caught the errant piece of deliciousness . The sharp tang , tempered by something earthy and creamy , pushed a satisfied groan up from the bottom of her belly . This was turning out to be a whole body eating experience .
With one more bite , the first piece was gone . She looked up from the other half of the sandwich , cut into a perfect triangle , crusts removed , to find Lucas ’ gaze intent on her . ― I have to say , your grilled cheese sandwiches are even better than I remember . Even though they were always amazing .‖
Lucas leaned forward , tanned forearms flexed on the expanse of the stainless-steel worktable . ― Glad to see my extensive culinary education wasn ’ t a complete waste of time .‖
She picked up the remaining piece and paused , deciding to exercise the tiniest bit of self-control and not put the whole thing in her mouth . ― No . I think you picked right . All this scrumptious food would have been wasted on a bunch of stuffy lawyers .‖
A shrug accompanied a dimple-enhanced grin . ― Except those stuffy lawyers are now my main customers .‖
Available in Print and E-Book At :
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Length : 274 Pages
Prices : Print : $ 12.97 E-Book : $ 2.99
Rating : R +
Author Contact Info :
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Biography :
PE Kavanagh has been a professional dancer , MIT-educated engineer , corporate executive , spiritual teacher , and chef . These days , her favorite titles are author , mother , and hot stuff . Find out what she ’ s up to at pekavanagh . com .