How much of your personality and life experi-
ences are in your writing?
Since I made the move to equestrian
women’s literature with romantic ele-
ments, I live vicariously through my char-
acters. I’ve worked at barns or boarded a
horse since I was a teenager, so I’m very
familiar with the equestrian world. I put
this into my writing, along with the char-
acters I’ve met along the way, both human
and equine.
What kind of research do you do for a book?
For the most part I don’t need to do much
research, though I’m careful to make sure
there are no shows or clubs named the
same as any that I put in my books. I’ll
also research things like medical issues.
And I’d love to learn Latin since I use it a
lot in my fantasy novels.
mare’s filly),
as well as a
kill lot rescue
we brought
here in 2017. I
also enjoy my
pet potbellied
pig, my geese
and chickens,
as well as
the house duck, and the cats and other
pets who share our house. I love to garden
and we’re always working on some project
on the homestead. Right now, I’m slowly
clearing an overgrown corner, hopefully to
make a place to rest and recharge.
What do you do to relax and recharge your
For me that’s just looking out my window.
I’ll go spend time with my rescue horses,
including my senior mare who turned 20
in August. I’ve had her since she was 3
months old, so she’s my girl. I also have
her filly (5 years old) and the gelding that
I’d purchased “for my mother” (he was a
stallion at the time and the sire of my
If money were not an object, where would
you most like to live?
Actually where I live now, in the Missouri
Ozarks. However, we’d have a much bet-
ter house and be able to travel to enjoy
other parts of the world. Oh, and I’d have
a really nice barn.
What is your secret guilty pleasure?
Regency romances. Men in boots and
breeches. Formality and manners. Rogues
and rakes. I love reading them.