Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine November, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 11 | Page 22

SEPTEMBER, 2018 THE CONUNDRUM OF A CLERK By: Linda Rae Sande The Plot: When the headmistress of Lon- don’s premiere finishing school dies, her son, Theodore Streater, is desper- ate to find a replacement. He’s a bank clerk and has no idea how to run a girl’s school. So, when Daisy Albright appears to apply for the position, he hires her on the spot—even though he would rather hire her as his mistress. Left with only one arm from the last war, Teddy would prefer to take a wife, but who will marry a one-armed man? A former spy, Daisy has a secret she’d rather her employer not know, especially as she grows more fond of him. When she discovers what Mrs. Streator had already arranged on behalf of the school, though, her future employment and the fate of the school will be at risk. An Excerpt “Lady Bostwick believes I could be headmistress of War- wick’s.” James set down his coffee cup, the fine china clattering a bit as his brows furrowed. He had wondered why the Bostwicks had paid the call the day before. He had intended to ask, but the de- light in her eyes at meeting her younger brother had him thinking instead of how happy he was the two had finally met. And then, when Helen had given up her hold on Rose so that Daisy could hold the babe, he had fought back tears. The expression of joy on his eldest daughter’s face as Rose opened her eyes and smiled would stay in his memory for the rest of his days. Surely some sense of maternal longing would settle in her breast. Some desire to marry and have one of her own. He need only find a man worthy of her. He rather doubted she would manage it on her own. Reviews Welcome. Available in Print and E-Book At: Amazon Author Contact Info: Prices: Print: 12.95 E-Book: $3.99 Length: 352 Pages Heat Level: R Website Blog Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page Biography: A self-described nerd and lover of science, Linda Rae spent many years as a published technical writer spe- cializing in 3-D graphics workstations, software, and 3-D animation (her movie credits include Shrek and Shrek 2). An interest in genealogy led to years of research on the Regency era and a desire to write fiction based in that time. A fan of action-adventure movies, she can frequently be found at the local cinema. Although she no longer has any tropical fish, she does follow the San Jose Sharks. She makes her home in Cody, Wyoming. For more information about her books, go to her website: 22 01