Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine March, 2020 Volume # 3, Issue # 3 | Page 4

JAIME SAMMS BIOGRAPHY & LINKS BIOGRAPHY CONTACT JAIME WEBSITE FACEBOOK TWITTER AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE 4 Jaime Samms is a plaid-hearted Canadian who spends the too-long winters writing stories about love be- tween men and the too-short summers digging in the garden. A multi-published author whose work has been translated into French, Italian, and German, Jaime delights in the intricate dance of words that leads her through tales of the lost and bro- ken hearted men she writes about, to the love stories that find and mend them. She also makes pretty things with yarn and fabric scraps because in her world, no heart is too broken to love, and nothing is too worn or tired it can‟t be made beautiful. All it takes is determination and the ability to see life a little bit left of center. BOOK LINKS: SUNSHINE IN THE DRAGON’S HEART DREAMSPINNER PRESS AMAZON BN LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING DREAMSPINNER PRESS AMAZON BN BOOKS 2 READ