MARCH, 2020
By: Brenda Sparks
The Plot:
Natasha Peterhoff is the luckiest
vampire in the world. Having pined
over the sexy, but aloof Vladimir Starik-
ovich for centuries, her feelings are re-
ciprocated when the pair are drawn to
each other the night of her brother‟s
wedding. Unfortunately, the stark light
of day dawns, and the couple parts
Back in Siberia, Vlad is overcome
by doubts. Not only will Natasha‟s
brother kill him, but his own past is reason enough to keep
her away. He vows to do everything in his power to keep her
safe, even it if means never seeing her again.
With so many reasons to stay apart, will the ties that bind
be strong enough to pull them together?
An Excerpt
She lifted one arm in his direction. He raised a hand to still
her movement. “Don‟t…touch me.”
Well, damned if that didn‟t smart. He didn‟t want her to
touch him, even to offer him a little comfort. My, how things
changed. He certainly hadn‟t minded her touch the night of her
brother‟s wedding.
Fine. If he doesn’t want me touching him, so be it.
Natasha turned around, sending her harlequin colored pig-
tails twirling about her face and retrieved the bag of blood from
the floor. Without looking in his direction, she stalked through
the room and sat in the only padded chair. She punctured the
bag with her fangs and drank, glaring at him over the top of the
The blood seeped into her cells, nourishing both her and
the baby. The baby moved as she continued to down the bag
quickly. Her hunger pangs eased a little with each gulp of the life
-sustaining liquid.
Reviews Welcome.
Available in Print and E-Book At:
Author Contact Info:
Print: $15.99
E-Book: $4.99
Length: 286 Pages
Heat Level: R
Amazon Author Page
Born in Virginia, Brenda Sparks now resides in the Sunshine State. Balancing her professional commitment
to the local school district with her writing is challenging at times, but writing suspenseful paranormal romance
is a passion that won‟t be denied. Her idea of a perfect day is one spent in front of a computer with a hot cup of
coffee, her fingers flying over the keys to send her characters off on their latest adventure.
Brenda loves to connect with readers. Please visit her online or stop by her website to say hi.