By: Caroline Clemmons
The Plot:
Each is struggling to build a better
life. Two strong-willed people are bound
to clash. Danger forces them to focus on
what is at stake.
Maeve Kelly came to America for a
better life. In Boston she found only
signs that said No Irish Need Apply. Now
the cousin she is staying with is moving.
Maeve has until the end of the month to
find a new place to live. Her friend at the
laundry where she works suggests proxy
marriage to her nephew as a solution. Maeve resists then finally
Sheriff Luke Sullivan is admired and well-respected in the
community of Broken Wheel, Wyoming Territory. When he
learns his mother and aunt have schemed to get him a proxy
bride, he‟s furious. Before he and his bride can adjust to one
another, Luke is caught in the middle of an explosive situation
between striking miners and the railroad.
Available in E-Book At:
An Excerpt
Sinead shook her head. “We‟re both thrilled about the
baby. Declan says this tenement is no place to bring up a child
and I agree.”
“As do I. This isn‟t a fit place for adults. I pity the poor
children who live here.”
…So many places wouldn‟t rent to the Irish. Most busi-
nesses wouldn‟t hire anyone Irish, so those that did paid poor
wages. That attitude forced people like her cousin—and her—to
cram into a poorly maintained building that housed too many
discouraged souls….
“You see, Declan has made arrangements to go into
partnership with his brother Sean in his wagon works. We‟ll live
with Sean and his wife in Cambridge until we find a place of our
“That‟s wonderful for you. Mayhap there won‟t be so
much dislike of the Irish in Cambridge.” But, where did that
leave Maeve? Out on the street, that‟s where.
Author Contact Info:
Print: $7.99
E-Book: $2.99
Length: 117 Pages
Heat Level: G
Amazon Author Page
Through a crazy twist of fate, Caroline Clemmons was not born on a Texas ranch. To compensate for this
illogical error, she writes about handsome cowboys, feisty ranch women, and scheming villains in a tiny office
her family calls her pink cave. She and her Hero live in North Central Texas cowboy country where they ride
herd on their dog and three rescued indoor cats.
The titles she has created have made her a bestselling author and won awards. She writes sweet to sensual
romances about the West, in historical, contemporary, time travel, and mystery. When she‟s not writing, she
loves spending time with her family, reading, lunching with friends, browsing antique malls, checking Facebook,
and taking the occasional nap.