Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine March, 2019 Volume # 2, Issue # 3 | Page 8

VICKI BATMAN (Cont.) TEMPORARILY INSANE BLURB No man. Bad job. And Murder. Hattie Cooks is still searching for her dream job, and one might be avail- the Big Apple, far from friends, family, and Allan Wellborn, the man who still makes her heart race. In the meantime, she finds temporary employment at an ac- counting firm where two auditor friends turn up dead. Detective Allan Wellborn dropped Hattie for Blonde Bimbo who, coincidentally, is employed at NLB where fishy things are taking place. When Allan interviews Hattie, he must determine why all signs point to her as a suspect. Can Hattie discover why Allan dumped her and who is murdering auditors before death strikes again? Reviews Welcome. 8 EXCERPT My funsister friend owned the employment agency Jobs, Inc., and on occasion, she‟d happily assisted me in finding temporary work since my dream job had been flushed down the proverbial toilet a few months back, thus soiling my picture-perfect life. For this newest assign- ment she‟d located, I‟d be employed as an administrative assistant for the managing partner at Northside, Lancas- ter, and Brookside, Certified Public Accountants, head- quartered in my hometown of Sommerville. At first, she‟d sounded oh-so pleasant when we began our yak about the opportunity. “Think accounting,” she‟d teased, followed by a small chuckle. Her laugh had spoken volumes of Encyclopedia Bri- tannica proportions.