Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine June, 2021, Volume # 4, Issue # 6 | Page 16

I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW By : Liese Sherwood-Fabré
JUNE , 2021

I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW By : Liese Sherwood-Fabré

( 1 ) https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Ibn _ al-Haytham ( 2 ) https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Magnifying _ glass ( 3 ) https :// targetstudy . com / knowledge / invention / 23 / magnifying-glass . html ( 4 ) https :// www . smithsonianmag . com / arts-culture / sherlock-holmes-and-the-tools-of-deduction-10556242 / ( 5 ) Suzanne Bell , The Facts on File Dictionary of Forensic Science , New York : Facts on File , 2004 , page 161 . ( 6 ) Kate Winkler Dawson , American Sherlock . New York : Pinguin Random House , 2020 , page 210 .
Biography :
Award-winning author Liese Sherwood-Fabre knew she was destined to write when she got an A + in the second grade for her story about Dick , Jane , and Sally ’ s ruined picnic . Her research into Victorian England led her to write short essays related to various aspects of the times when Sherlock Holmes solved his mysteries . A third collection of these essays on The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes is availa ble at all major booksellers . The research also appears in her recently launched The Early Case Files of Sherlock Holmes series on the young detective and his unusually gifted family . His first two cases : The Adventure of the Murdered Midwife and The Adventure of the Murdered Gypsy are now available at all major booksellers , and the third , The Adventure of the Deceased Scholar is available for pre-order until its release May 15 .
Liese Sherwood-Fabré
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