JUNE MAY ,, 2020 2021
Some final words on Character . And , if you believe that , I ’ ve got a bridge I want to sell you . Characterization is my first storytelling priority after all . Always has been . Always will be .
Why do I say that so strongly ? Because — if you begin the creation of your story with a character in a situation rather than the other way around , you should never end up with a tale that has the feeling of being manipulated , and often mangled , to suit the machinations of your plot .
Your story must ring with Authenticity instead of creaking with Contrivance . Every good editor ’ s ear , as well as every savvy agent ’ s bottom line market mentality , is tuned to detecting
the false notes of author contrivance . The result ? Your manuscript comes rocketing back at you . A missile aimed point blank at your publishing career .
Never force your character to behave in the service of your storyconcocting needs . She must always act according to her true nature . The nature you have gifted her with from your writer ’ s imagination . The nature that fits her deepest self like a glove fits the fingers of her hand .
But first , you , as your character ’ s creator , must understand her true nature . If you do not yet fully understand your character ’ s nature , you need to return to the “ Writing Character from the Inside Out ” Exercise because you have deeper work to do . Work that will also reveal her natural motivation for everything she does from page one on .
In other words , plot must emerge from character . This is the first , and most imperative , rule of strong storytelling . The first , and most imperative , rule for creating intense , powerful , moving fiction that hooks your reader and refuses to let go . A writer breaks this rule at her own peril .
Now , surprise us in an unexpected way . Your character must follow her natural nature , but she must do so without becoming too predictable . Figure out how she , as your imagination has conjured her , should behave in a given situation . Make note of that behavior possibility .
Next , figure out what behavior would be contradictory to that expected one . Make note of it also . This unexpected behavior would create a story surprise . It might even twist your story in an invigorating direction . But , this behavior must be made to fit your character . Here ’ s how .
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