JUNE, 2019
By: Alice Orr
I’m writing this
on a difficult day. I
am surrounded by
pressure, stress, and
expectations — the
first phalanx of the
Enemies of Creativity.
I/we long to let go
and dive into the depths of our imagina-
tions, but it‟s tough to let go when you
feel yourself inundated by demands. A
responsible person finds it difficult to
ignore the lurking expectations of others.
Nonetheless, ask these three
questions of yourself. 1. Can I lower
my standards in some non-writing areas?
2. Do I want my legacy to be the per-
fectly performed To Do List? 3. Would I
prefer to be known for a shelf of books
with my name on the spine?
Life is about choices. The above
choices must be made over and over
each day in large and small ways. Defeat-
ing the external and internal demand-
makers takes vigilance on behalf of your
writing, and on behalf of your time to
imagine and create.
The Puritan Ethic is in the front
ranks of the Enemies of Creativity.
Our culture too often sends the message
that creative work, such as writing, isn‟t
really work at all. Messages like, “If you
love something passionately, you should
feel guilty about pursuing it,” or “If that
same something feels as natural as air to
you, it can‟t be truly worthwhile.”
The most lethal Enemy of Crea-
tivity is “Not-Good-Enough Syn-
drome.” The verdict we too often pro-
nounce upon our own writing work is
“Not good enough, third rate, why even
bother?” I suggest a strong dose of “Get-
over-it” for this, and for all of the ene-
mies. However, I suspect a more con-
crete battle plan is in order.
Battle Strategy #1: Calm Down.
Anxiety erects a wall of nervousness be-
tween you and your own creative spirit.
Find a chill-out technique. Deep breath-
ing works for me.
Battle Strategy #2: Make Your
Inner Enemies Your Friends. When
you find yourself jangly, insecure, fearful,
angry, paranoid, resentful, vengeful, and/
or hurt, use it to your writerly advantage.
That darkness holds ideas and thoughts
you won‟t have in your sunnier moments.
Write them down.
Battle Strategy #3: Turn Your
Outer Life Conflict into Story Con-
flict. Trouble happens. Trouble is dis-
tracting and can go on disturbing your
state of mind for quite some time. Yet
again, write it down. The details. What
was said and done, scraps of setting, what
you felt with each of your senses. Exag-
gerate those feelings. Transfer them to a
character in your current work.
Battle Strategy #4: Do Nothing.
Once a day, at least, stare at a wall and let
the ideas come
Employ these strategies against
the Enemies of Creativity. I guarantee
that you, and your writing work, will
emerge victorious every time.
Continued on Page 11