APRIL, 2019
By: Lorelei Confer
The Plot:
Lexi Morris is late to a Human Traf-
ficking awareness seminar at her job and
distracts Luke Miller, the presenter, an
FBI Special Agent on the Anti-Human
Trafficking Task Force/Coalition in cen-
tral Pennsylvania. Their eyes meet and an
instant connection occurs.
After a long day, Lexi walks to her car
in a dimly lit parking lot while texting
plans for a fun weekend, but her weekend
comes to a crashing halt when she„s ab-
ducted with the intentions of being sold into sex slavery.
Luke, at his cabin in the woods for the weekend, observes
suspicious activity at his late uncle‟s cabin. When he investi-
gates, he finds Lexi held captive and rescues her but not before
engaging in a shootout with traffickers. He sets off on foot in a
snowstorm, Lexi in tow, seeking the safety of his own cabin
with her kidnappers in hot pursuit.
Reviews Welcome.
An Excerpt
Twenty-eight-year-old Lexi Morris rushed down the long hall
to the large seminar room. The flyer about attending the Aware-
ness of Human Trafficking seminar presented by a local FBI
agent had passed over her desk a week or so ago but she hadn‟t
planned to attend. She‟d worked late every night this week and
still had entirely too much work to do. But at the last minute her
supervisor, Nancy, stuck her head in her office doorway and with
a few choice words, “mandatory” being one of them, of course,
encouraged her to go, even if she‟d be twenty minutes or so late.
The door at the end of the hall closed with a bang; the vac-
uum seal sucking it shut. She hurried toward the sound of a
man‟s voice rumbling and glanced through the small rectangular
window. Moving her head slowly left to right she surveyed the
rows of chairs. She spotted one of the few empty seats in a back
row beside a colleague she knew, Carol. An end seat, too? She
grinned. She could get in and out without making a disturbance.
Available in E-Book At:
Author Contact Info:
Print: $5.99
E-Book: $1.99
Length: 108
Heat Level: None Provided
Lorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with her high school sweetheart, now
husband, and AJ, her longhaired Chihuahua.
In the fourth grade, she wrote her first story—something about getting a shot at the doctor‟s—that was pro-
duced by the teacher for parents and students in an assembly. When she was older, she spilled her guts in a jour-
nal every night and wrote long newsy love letters to Viet Nam.
She is a multi published hybrid author of romantic suspense with two series: the Deadly series and the Sad-
dle Creek series. She also has written numerous novellas and short stories.
She loves to hear from her readers so if you want to stay “in the know” visit her website, sign up for her
newsletters, and contact her.