APRIL, 2019
By: Lorna Peel
The Plot:
Jane Hollinger is divorced and the
wrong side of thirty—as she puts it. Her
friends are pressuring her to dive back
into London‟s dating pool, but she‟s con-
tent with her quiet life teaching family
history evening classes.
Robert Armstrong is every woman‟s
fantasy: handsome, charming, rich, and
famous. When he asks her to meet him,
she convinces herself it‟s because he
needs her help with a mystery in his fam-
ily tree. Soon she realises he‟s interested in
more than her genealogy expertise. Now the paparazzi want a
piece of Jane too.
Can Jane handle living—and loving—in the spotlight?
An Excerpt
“Marie thinks the tabloids are more interested in whether I
am in a relationship with Christine, rather than…”
“With a divorced brunette who teaches family history
classes?” she finished.
“Something like that,” he mumbled.
“Robert, I don‟t want to have to deny being your girlfriend,
but I don‟t know if I can handle being your girlfriend. Worst of
all, I now don‟t know if I can trust you.”
By the bewildered expression on his face, he didn‟t have a
clue what to say to placate her. “I‟ll speak to Marie.”
“No. No, don‟t. Don‟t terrify the poor woman.”
“Jane, don‟t do this to me, please? I start filming The Hunger
in Ireland next week. I don‟t want Christine—I don‟t want any-
one else—I want you—only you.”
Reviews Welcome.
Available in E-Book At:
Author Contact Info:
Price: $2.99
Length: 196 Pages
Heat Level: R—Sex
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Amazon Author Page
Lorna Peel is an author of historical fiction and mystery romance novels set in the UK and Ireland. Lorna
was born in England and lived in North Wales until her family moved to Ireland to become farmers, which is a
book in itself! She lives in rural Ireland, where she writes, researches her family history, and grows fruit and
vegetables. She also keeps chickens and guinea hens.