Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine January, 2020 Volume # 3, Issue #1 | Page 20

JANUARY, 2020 BUILDING A HERO WITH STATURE—WHAT NOT TO DO By: Alice Orr If your storytelling goal is wide audi- ence appeal, build an admirable hero. A hero the reader will look up to, and re- member that when I use the term hero, I‟m referring to main characters of all gen- ders. I base my admirable hero asser- tion on two things. First, the bestseller lists. Most fiction titles you find there tell stories of admirable protagonists con- fronting great obstacles in admirable ways. Second, my experience as editor and literary agent, which too often illus- trated what an admirable hero is not. Here are some examples, with names changed for discretion‟s sake. Caroline is the hero of a Regency romance set in early nineteenth cen- tury England. We‟re told she‟s a woman of spotless character, which would be an appropriate portrayal. Most readers of this genre prefer their heroines intelli- gent, wise and, above all, dignified. An author seeking wide reader appeal would be wise herself to honor these prefer- ences. Unfortunately, Caroline is not the highly principled woman we are told she is. Instead, she shows herself to be of low moral character. Specifically, she joins a traveling theatrical company where her performance specialty is as a procurer or, in more forthright terms, a pimp. To make matters worse, Caroline lacks acceptable motivation for her choices. She‟s an unhappily married woman to be sure, but she is also from the landed gentry with ample financial means. She doesn‟t need to disgrace her- self and her family to escape her hus- band, nor allow herself to be degraded as she does in this author‟s story. A Regency era main character may find herself in dire straits. She may act to overcome her trials in many ways, but not at the expense of dignity and self-respect. Otherwise, she becomes too tawdry to qualify as a hero of this genre, and maybe as an admirable hero of any genre, at least for a non-established author. Bestsellers can afford to take chances, sometimes. As for Sebastian, I wonder if even his author liked him very much. Sebastian is cold, distant and uncaring. His lack of compassion must be counter- acted by noble qualities to make him an admirable hero. He could be written as remote on the surface with endearing depths beneath, but, in this portrayal, under his craggy surface beats a heart of unappealing stone. Kendra has heroic qualities but is never called upon to use them. Her story is meant to be suspenseful. She should be in danger, real danger that, to maximize appeal, threatens her life. She is strong, resourceful and brave. We‟re ea- ger to see those qualities tested by ex- treme circumstance. When no truly thrill- ing challenges arise, our reader expecta- tions are dashed. Kendra’s author could have made stronger storytelling choices. A peril- ous situation, which Kendra only nar- rowly escapes. Better still, another char- acter, vulnerable, like a child, faces seri- ous threat, and Kendra risks her life to defy that threat. These scenarios would reveal her heroism in action and intensify the suspense. Instead, Kendra is a hero- ine waiting to happen, and the author squanders the dramatic potential of her story. Shattered reader expectations, heartless main characters, dra- matic potential squandered. Avoid these like the storytelling plagues they are, unless you’re a bestselling author with maybe some room for risk. Build instead a hero with stature we can admire. Continued on Page 21 20