Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine January, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 1 | Page 35


GENETIC SNARE By : Laura Baumbach

The Plot :
Bounty hunter Talos bows to pressure to bring his life mate home for the completion of his strict warrior culture ’ s bonding ritual . Aidan , displaced eighteenth century Earth pirate — light-fingered , sly , charming , and understandably naive about the new world he ’ s been thrust into — can ’ t wait . Even if it turns out someone wants him dead . The twenty-sixth century looks different , but it turns out to be a lot like his old life !
An Excerpt
The candles had stuttered out , leaving the room draped in pale gray shadow . It was a comfortable darkness , one Talos found restful , a spectrum of low light in which his keen eyesight functioned well . Being able to see in the dark and underwater was a definite advantage for stalking prey . Talos was momentarily sated and fully rested after a few hours of sleep . The genetic mandate to claim his new mate at an increasingly awkward rate hadn ’ t affected his hunter ’ s sense of alertness and physical stamina . His body was created for the claiming ritual of his race , unlike his unprepared human lover . They would have to bring this need to an end soon if Aidan was to survive it .
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Available in Print and E-Book At :
MLR Press Amazon
Prices : Print : $ 12.99 E-Book : $ 5.99
Length : 167 Pages
Author Contact Info :
Website Blog Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page
Biography :
Proclaimed by Rolling Stone Magazine “ a pioneer of the M / M romance genre ,” Laura Baumbach is the bestselling , multi-award-winning author of short stories , novellas , novels , and screenplays . Author of one of the first recognized published resource articles on the category of M / M erotic romance , “ For the Love Of Man ,” for the Erotica Readers and Writers Association in October 2008 , she is the founder of the only RWA chapter for LGBT romance authors , Rainbow Romance .