Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine January, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 1 | Page 33

OCTOBER , 2017

BABY , THAT ’ S THE SPIRIT By : Robin Michaela

The Plot :
Free-spirited clairvoyant Amethyst Raines comes to Sweetness to tell fortunes at the fall festival and crosses circuits with single dad Adam Burkett . She has a message for him from beyond the grave — which she ’ d deliver , if she could convince the infuriating man that she can speak with the dead .
Skeptical Adam is tired of deceitful women . He just wants to finish out his job contract and settle his beloved grandmother ’ s estate before saying goodbye to Sweetness forever . A fake psychic isn ’ t going to tempt him into changing his plans ... no matter how intriguing she is . But when his daughter goes missing , Adam will do anything to find her , including putting his faith in the seductive medium he can ’ t seem to resist .
She ’ s trying to solve a century-old secret ; he ’ s trying to find his daughter . If they can work together , their steamy relationship might stand a ghost of a chance .
An Excerpt
Suddenly remembering that she ’ d looked as if she ’ d been conversing with someone , he leaned around her , searching the shadows of the porch beyond the fake cemetery with his eyes . “ Who were you talking to a second ago ?”
“ What makes you think I was talking to anyone ?” She dropped her gaze to a nearby tombstone , making him wonder if she was hiding something . “ It sure looked like you were .” “ Well , do you see anyone else around ?” She put a fist on each hip and frowned at him .
“ No , I don ’ t ,” he grudgingly admitted . “ Unless you were talking to one of the ghosts down here .” He smirked and nudged a tilting headstone with a booted foot until it stood up straight .
Amethyst ’ s brows drew together . “ Who knows ? Maybe I was .”
***** Amazon Review by Debbie Pierce : “ I couldn ’ t put it down !”
Available in E-Book Format At :
Amazon Price : $ 1.99 Length : 191 Pages Heat Level : R
Author Contact Info :
Website & Blog Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page
Biography :
Robin Michaela has been reading romances since her teen years , when she first nicked her aunt ’ s copy of The Flame and the Flower by Kathleen E . Woodiwiss .
She ’ s married to her own Handsome Prince ( a military airman ) and has lived everywhere from the sunny shores of Florida to the wild crags of the Colorado Rocky Mountains . She currently resides in the
Deep South . By day , she ’ s a dental hygienist , and by night , Robin can be found eating chocolate , training for her next half marathon , and crafting her next novel ( although not necessarily in that order ).
Robin ’ s stories have been called “ a simply delicious escape .” Sparks fly and desire sizzles when her irresistible heroines challenge the men of their dreams .