Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine January, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 1 | Page 22

DECEMBER, 2017 A TOUCHDOWN TO REMEMBER By: Seelie Kay The Plot: When a second concussion side- lines Milwaukee Greyhound running back Tim Douglas, the rest of his life continues full-speed ahead. A some- time law student, Tim is faced with a classic Catch-22: Whether to continue to play football and risk a third and possibly life-altering concussion or quit the game altogether to pursue a career as a sports agent. He loves the game, but his priorities change when he meets Laura Adler, a sassy, sexy young attorney and rabid Greys fan. Their sizzling romp of a romance turns serious and Laura demands that he make a decision about football before she accepts his marriage proposal. Will Tim choose football or the law, and what role will Laura play in his future? An Excerpt: The doorbell rang and someone began pounding on the door. Puzzled, Laura tried to peek out the side window. All she could see was a big man bundled up in winter clothes, wearing a Santa cap and carrying a large box. Tim? “Laura, let me in,” she heard Tim yell. “It’s frickin’ cold out here!” Laura threw open the door and smiled. “Tim, how did you get here? Aren’t you supposed to be headed to Minneapolis for the game?” He stomped his feet on the rug by the door and stepped into the foyer. “Nope. Doc decided at the last minute not to clear me. I had a little dizzy spell, and everyone panicked. He wants me to sit out one more game. So instead of flying out with the team, I started tag-teaming plows so I could spend Christmas with you. I figured you weren’t going anywhere either.” He grinned. “It’s amazing what snow plow drivers will do for a few tickets to a Greys’ game.” Reviews Welcome. Available in E-Book At: eXtasy Books Amazon Author Contact Info: Price: $1.59 Length: 33 Pages Biography: Author and attorney Seelie Kay writes sizzling sto- ries about lawyers in love, with a dash of kink. The au- thor of the Kinky Briefs series, as well as The Garage Dweller, Seelie began writing erotica after more than thirty years as a lawyer and journalist. Kay, who writes under a nom de plume, discov- ered the power of the pen in grade school, winning her first writing award in the third grade. While other kids 22 Website Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page played hopscotch and softball, she read books and crafted stories filled with fantasy and suspense. After a long career as an attorney and journalist, Seelie hung out her shingle as a freelance writer, editor, and author. When not spinning her kinky fantasies, Seelie ghost- writes nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. Seelie is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease. Her message to those diagnosed with MS: Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you! 4