Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine February, 2019 Volume # 2, Issue # 2 | Page 5

JEAN JOACHIM (Cont.) INTERVIEW MFRW: JJ: MFRW: JJ: MFRW: JJ: Why did you decide to write romance nov- els? Stories and characters landed in my head and wouldn’t leave until I told their stories. And they were always romances, often with other issues thrown in, even with suspense, but always romance. How much of your personality and life experiences are in your writing? A lot of my life experience is in my stories. Not specifics as much as feelings. I have learned much about people. Living life, observing people over the years has helped to give me a breadth of understand of hu- man nature and an empathy for the human condition that plays a factor in my emo- tional, realistic stories, and has helped me shade my characters to give them depth. What kind of research do you do for a book? I research everything, from locations, to illnesses, to crimes. Before I write a sports romance, I research the game in depth. I’m a huge sports fan and played many sports in my adolescence. Even so, re- search is necessary to get an under- standing of the game, the emotions, the preparation from the inside of a professional athlete. MFRW: Tell us about your latest book. What motivated the story? Where did the idea come from? Where do your story ideas 5 JJ: MFRW: JJ: usually come from? I’m not exactly sure where my stories come from. I’m a naturally curious person. The words ―what if?‖ can start me off on a new tale. This book, Renovating the Billionaire began when I went to a garage sale at a very old, broken-down mansion in a small town. With 36 rooms, the house had been magnificent in its day. My ―what if‖ led me to a poor girl who dreams of owning and renovating the place. But I had to block that wish, to have a story. So, I envisioned a fabulously wealthy man who inherits the place and simply wants to take it down. The tug-of-war was the jumping off point for my book. Do you feel humor is important in fiction and why? I think humor is important in everything in life! I love to put humor is my stories. You can choose to either laugh or cry, but if you laugh, life will be more fun. I actu- ally wrote a short romantic com- edy—my first—at the holidays this year.